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ALP Landing Page for: Level 5 ESOL Virtual

Instructor:  Surya Ishaya

Meeting Times:

Mon, Tues, Wed 6-9pm eastern

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 515-329-6040





Class Notes:

This course is designed to be a collaborative and engaging learning experience. Your active participation and willingness to share your thoughts and experiences will greatly enhance our collective learning journey. Let’s make the most of our time together and grow as a community of learners!

This class runs 3 days a week; each class is 3 hours with two 15 minute breaks. As much as you can, please attend regularly, arrive on time, open your camera, take the class in a quiet environment and use a laptop or tablet rather than a phone.

Course Syllabus:

Unit 1: Welcome/Who Are We? (2 weeks)

- Objective: Build a cohesive class environment by learning about individual and class identities.

- Focus: Introductions, greetings, and sharing important personal information (e.g., name, phone number, address, descriptions).


Unit 2: Community & Civic Engagement (3 weeks)

- Objective: Understand the concept of community and explore ways to participate in it effectively.

- Focus: Identifying community members, understanding their roles, and using language skills to engage with the community.


Unit 3: Well-Being (6 weeks)

- Objective: Explore factors contributing to personal well-being and acquire language for accessing resources.

- Focus: Securing resources for safety, health, and emotional support to enhance learners' ability to care for themselves and their families.


Unit 4: Food/Nutrition (5 weeks)

- Objective: Learn about nutrition and food access to support physical, emotional, and mental health.

- Focus: Understanding nutritious foods, planning meals, and accessing food resources.


Unit 5: Civil Rights and Women’s Rights (6 weeks)

- Objective: Understand civil and women’s rights to advocate effectively for oneself and others.

- Focus: Historical and contemporary issues related to civil rights and women’s rights, and using language skills for advocacy.


Unit 6: Power (7 weeks)

- Objective: Analyze power dynamics and empowerment to navigate and influence power structures.

- Focus: Defining power, identifying power holders, and understanding how to empower oneself within various contexts.


Unit 7: Truth (6 weeks)

- Objective: Develop skills to discern and communicate truth, with a focus on digital literacy.

- Focus: Evaluating the accuracy of information, synthesizing information from various sources, and understanding digital citizenship.


Assessment and Evaluation


- Participation and Engagement: Active involvement in discussions and activities.

- Language Proficiency: Demonstrated ability to use advanced English effectively.

- Assignments and Projects: Quality and relevance of written and spoken work.

- Feedback and Improvement: Responsiveness to feedback and evident progress.

- Final Project: Integration of knowledge and skills from all units, demonstrating comprehensive language use and understanding of course topics.


Materials and Resources


- Textbook: No textbook is required. Online worksheets and textbook sections provided on an as-need basis.


Class Policies


- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial. Notify the instructor of any absences.

- Assignments: Complete assignments on time. Late work may affect grading.

- Participation: Engage actively in class to maximize learning benefits.


This syllabus provides a structured plan for the course while allowing flexibility for the instructor to adapt based on the class's progress and interests.

Course Rubric:

1. Participation and Engagement

- 4 - Excellent: Actively participates in all class activities; consistently engages in discussions and group work; demonstrates a high level of interest and involvement.

- 3 - Good: Participates in most class activities; engages in discussions and group work; shows consistent interest and involvement.

- 2 - Fair: Participates in some class activities; occasionally engages in discussions and group work; interest and involvement are inconsistent.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Rarely participates in class activities; infrequently engages in discussions and group work; shows little interest or involvement.


2. Language Proficiency

- 4 - Excellent: Demonstrates advanced language proficiency; uses complex sentences and a wide range of vocabulary accurately; shows a strong grasp of grammar and syntax.

- 3 - Good: Demonstrates strong language proficiency; uses appropriate sentences and vocabulary; shows good understanding of grammar and syntax.

- 2 - Fair: Demonstrates basic language proficiency; uses simple sentences and limited vocabulary; understanding of grammar and syntax may be inconsistent.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Demonstrates limited language proficiency; uses fragmented sentences and very basic vocabulary; frequent errors in grammar and syntax.


3. Communication

- 4 - Excellent: Communicates clearly and effectively in both written and spoken forms; conveys ideas coherently and persuasively; adapts communication style to audience.

- 3 - Good: Communicates effectively in both written and spoken forms; conveys ideas clearly with minor issues; generally adapts communication style to audience.

- 2 - Fair: Communicates with some clarity; ideas may be somewhat disorganized or difficult to follow; limited adaptation to audience.

- 1 - Needs Improvement:** Struggles with clear communication; ideas are often disorganized or unclear; does not adapt communication style to audience.


4. Feedback and Improvement

- 4 - Excellent: Actively seeks and applies feedback; makes significant improvements based on feedback; shows a strong ability to self-assess and adjust.

- 3 - Good: Seeks and applies feedback effectively; makes noticeable improvements based on feedback; shows some ability to self-assess and adjust.

- 2 - Fair: Occasionally seeks feedback and makes improvements; improvements based on feedback are limited; limited ability to self-assess and adjust.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Rarely seeks or applies feedback; minimal improvements based on feedback; struggles with self-assessment and adjustment.


5. Motivation and Effort

- 4 - Excellent: Demonstrates exceptional motivation and effort; consistently goes above and beyond in classwork and assignments; shows a proactive attitude towards learning.

- 3 - Good: Demonstrates strong motivation and effort; consistently completes classwork and assignments; shows a positive attitude towards learning.

- 2 - Fair: Demonstrates adequate motivation and effort; completes most classwork and assignments; attitude towards learning may be inconsistent.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Demonstrates limited motivation and effort; often incomplete or late with classwork and assignments; shows little enthusiasm for learning.


6. Progress Monitoring

- 4 - Excellent: Actively monitors own progress; sets and revises goals effectively; demonstrates clear awareness of strengths and areas for improvement.

- 3 - Good: Monitors own progress regularly; sets and revises goals with some effectiveness; shows awareness of strengths and areas for improvement.

- 2 - Fair: Monitors progress occasionally; sets goals with limited effectiveness; awareness of strengths and areas for improvement is inconsistent.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Rarely monitors progress; goals are rarely set or revised; shows minimal awareness of strengths and areas for improvement.


7. Study and Preparation

- 4 - Excellent: Shows exceptional study habits and preparation; consistently reviews and prepares materials thoroughly; demonstrates effective study strategies.

- 3 - Good: Shows strong study habits and preparation; regularly reviews and prepares materials; demonstrates effective study strategies.

- 2 - Fair: Shows adequate study habits and preparation; occasionally reviews and prepares materials; study strategies may be inconsistent.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Shows limited study habits and preparation; infrequently reviews and prepares materials; lacks effective study strategies.


8. Use of Technology

- 4 - Excellent: Utilizes technology proficiently for all learning tasks; effectively integrates various tools and resources; demonstrates advanced technical skills.

- 3 - Good: Utilizes technology effectively for most learning tasks; integrates appropriate tools and resources; demonstrates good technical skills.

- 2 - Fair: Utilizes technology for some learning tasks; limited integration of tools and resources; basic technical skills.

- 1 - Needs Improvement: Struggles with technology use for learning tasks; minimal integration of tools and resources; limited technical skills.

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